Thursday, June 16, 2011


. freezing,but refreshing winter frolicking in the ocean
.eggs benny at Envy
.homemade 'whatever's in the fridge' pizzas
.homemade songs + jam sessions with Crispy
.winter night snuggles
.picking fresh herbs from my garden
.gorgeous waves & wetsuit love at Pt.Cartwright
.sketching & creating
.2nd-hand stores & diet coke
.yarns + fire + apple cider + starry nights
.catch ups & hugs with one of my best friends
.more house moving
.Granny Pants
.hematoma eyeball
.freshly cut proteas
.road trips
.sunshine days
.rainy nights
.frozen bones
.colourful nanna blankets aplenty
.Bunnings excursions
.loads of new musica
.cooking with Denezle
.Simmy the Possum Cat
.book store lovin' 
.puff pastry overdosing
.Rusty dog

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