Tuesday, October 5, 2010

EILLIM ~ R.I.P (s)

After 8 years of working my ass off,creatively vomiting over thousand of metres of fabric,working into the early hours of morning sitting behind a sewing machine,multiple tailors scissors going blunt,carting around boxes of garments,selling all over the countryside & even making it to Brazil,connecting me with beautiful [& asshole] people in the fashion industry,fun times,making many friends & a long,fruitful life....my little clothing label,EILLIM has passed away.

I've been thinking about it for a while & just today came to the decision to say goodbye to EILLIM.I've had so many fun [& fucking trying] times creating EILLIM & wanted to say a GIGANTIC THANKYOU!!!!! to everybody & anybody who has ever supported EILLIM & me,along the way.

I'm working towards making some changes in my life for next year & want to concentrate on that.Plus my heart just isn't in it anymore & I don't want to keep going with something I'm not passionate about any longer,especially since it's a creative endeavour & requires 100% commitment & dedication.I don't know exactly where I'm going to go next,but the number 8 is my favourite number because it's infinite & I thought it would be nice to end EILLIM at 8 years.

Creativity is part of who I am,so it's not an end,it's just a goodbye & I look forward to future possibilities to create.


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