Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Farewell my 20's. 
You nearly defeated me,but I made it. 

You were my best friend.My lover.My death.My living.My teacher.My growth.My strength.My weakness.My adventure.My suffering.My pain.My bliss. 

I depart my 10 years covered in scars,rusted tears & memories,but also with hidden harmony & a smile that rises from my belly. 

I raise my faux glass to you 20's & make a toast to

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

windows down

We drive,windows down and in awe of the living colour that splashes past us,as every mile flicks over on the odometer.

The sparkle flickers joyously when we live this way.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Oh hello,summer.

Fluoro pink clouds stacked + tumbling in the sky.

Slivers of burnt dusk settling on the horizon.

Sweat-stach gnarly-ness wiped onto sea salt encrusted arm hairs.

The warm,sticky embrace of a fresh season.

Floating down creeks + sunshine spangles through singing trees + tangled hair.

Sunkissed + barefoot.

Oh hello,summer.
I've missed you.