Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Baking Whore

A change is lovely. As of this week I've started working a few days a week at my friends café,Little Boat Espresso as the baking whore!

Yesterday I made a batch of 'big fuck off' melting moments + a sizey loaf of coconut bread + rainbow-fied cupcakes. Oh! And I got to hang out with new little chunky man,Rupert!

Baking deliciousness + hangs with puppies...I love this job already!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

THE SECRET HOBO JUNGLE | an exhibition of by Millie Fairhall

A one night only exhibition featuring art by Millie Fairhall.

Saturday 25th August at 630pm at LITTLE BOAT.

It'll be a super fun night of + silliness.
All artwork will be for sale,so come along for a fun night
& pick yourself up a bit of arty junk.
Pencil the date in + hope to see you all there!