Wednesday, May 2, 2012


We've been managing to wander a fair bit lately in between working like crazy. The weather is slowly creeping into winter zone & it's nice to see + feel the changes in nature.

The other weekend lover face + I went bushwalking up in the mountains,the trail was dull so we ventured off into the bush & ended up in thick rich rainforest.We stumbled upon this amazing little waterfall that fell into a natural rock cave.crawled under roping vines.jumped boulders.climbed rock faces.fought over who had the most superior walking stick [mine was awesome!].ate mandarins whilst being completely engrossed by huge old strangler figs,quandongs,elephant ears,walking stick palms. 3 days later I was covered in scratches,bruises,my legs are sore & still blissing out.

Feelin' good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love...your life Millie!! I want to be in it!! it's beautiful and lovely and real and pretty. Love Aysha xxxx