Monday, January 24, 2011

sunshine days.

Yesterday consisted of road trippin'down south.singing along to Iggy Pop.frolicking in the sunshine.playing in the sea.sprinkled in sand.eating delicious eats at Cool Katz.Slurpee missions.drooling over beautifully shaped quad fish.relishing in the freedom & independence of single life.playing ukeleles.sharing stories.sharing gigantic hugs.letting some tears flow.laughing crazily about stupid shit.watching the sun set as we made the drive back home.

Today,a beginning dancing with the sea at 5 in the morning on an old borrowed log as the morning sun skipped across the surface of the ocean.Followed by a few moments of meditation & yoga.Inspired & soaking up the creativity that my gorgeous friends throw out into the world.Now off to work more on my new label & start a fresh commission painting for 2011.

I am in bliss 

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