Thursday, September 23, 2010

emotional hemophelia.

At the moment I'm reading a book called "GIRL IN NEED OF A TOURNIQUET- Memoir of a Borderline Personality" & I'm kind of finding it hard to get into.You know how sometimes with psychology-based books you have to,ironically be in right frame of mind to be absorbed in them? I finished reading "GET ME OUT OF HERE-My Recovery from Borderline Personality Disorder" & for me,it was simultaneously amazing & intense. Throughout the book I was constantly thinking to myself "HOLY FUCK!I TOTALLY GET THAT!!",as well as feeling nauseous.

Anyways,at the start of GIRL IN NEED OF A TOURNIQUET there's a quote from another book [sorry,too many book references] "I HATE YOU,DON'T LEAVE ME:Understanding Borderline Personality Disorder" & I really liked it.Possibly because I could relate to it & also because I liked the analogy of how it was written or described.


"A borderline suffers a kind of emotional hemophelia;[s]he lacks the clotting mechanism needed to moderate [her] spurts of feeling.Stimulate a passion,and the borderline emotionally bleeds to death."

-Jerold Kreisman & Hal Straus, I Hate You,Don't Leave Me:Understanding Borderline Personality Disorder

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